ActionNodes 2.2.0 R...
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[Sticky] ActionNodes 2.2.0 Released

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  • ActionNodes Editor: 
    • Added the ability to change positions in the list of variables, parameters, inputs and outputs (in the Custom Node Editor) by drag-and-dropping them. Accordingly, the buttons on items for moving up and down have been removed.
    • Added a duplicate button for items in the list of variables, parameters, inputs and outputs (in the Custom Node Editor).
    • Added the ability to drag items from one list to another, which leads to copying the corresponding items to the list to which they were dragged (for example, an item from the list of variables to the list of parameters).
    • Now you can drag a parameter from the parameter list to the nodes workspace to add a node that reads the value of the corresponding parameter.
    • When you drag a variable from the list of variables to the nodes workspace, you can add nodes to read or write values for the corresponding variable.
    • Now the items in the list of parameters, variables, inputs and outputs (in the Custom Node Editor) have a circle icon of a certain color in accordance with the color of the type of this item.
    • Added a special convenient control for selecting the type and editor for this type for a parameter in the parameter list.
    • Now, when creating a connection and terminating it not on a node port, but on any empty space in the nodes workspace, a context menu of nodes appears with a list of only those nodes that have a port (input or output, depending on the initial port) of the same type as the initial port of the current connection. When you select a node in the list, this node is added and automatically connected to the first port of the required type.
    • Added the ability to “long connect”: when you click on a port with the left mouse button (without holding down), a “long connection” starts, which is completed by clicking the left mouse button again. During the “long connection”, you can scroll through the node workspace with the right mouse button without dropping the connection. The “long connection” can be canceled by right-clicking.
    • You can now drag new and existing connections to already occupied ports (of the same type), replacing old connections with new ones. If you drag an existing connection to an occupied port and hold down the SHIFT key, the connections will be swapped (the current connection to the port you dragged to will not be deleted, but will reconnect to your old port from which you disconnected your dragged connection), if it is possible.
    • Right-clicking on a port to which a connection is connected and which supports only one connection will delete that connection. If the port supports multiple connections, then right-clicking on it will delete only the selected connections (if no connection is selected, then no connection will be deleted).
  • TextBox editor for String type: added the ability to call a dialog box for convenient editing of a String parameter. When setting the properties for this editor, you can now select the type of text: plain text or JavaScript code (when you select the latter, the JavaScript syntax will be highlighted in the editor dialog box).
  • Now, when you record a Photoshop action and launch an ActionNodes action (only when the plugin is in blocking mode), the specified parameters of this action are also recorded.
  • Added the ability to dynamically change the number of parameters for certain nodes.
  • Added 4 nodes for running scripts:
    • Run CEP Script - runs the Photoshop CEP API JavaScript code specified in the node parameter.
    • Run CEP Script From File - runs the Photoshop CEP API JavaScript code from the file specified in the node parameter.
    • Run UPX Script - runs the Photoshop UPX API JavaScript code specified in the node parameter.
    • Run UPX Script From File - runs the Photoshop UPX API JavaScript code from the file specified in the node parameter.
  • Added 3 nodes for selecting a value:
    • Select By Boolean - a node that selects one of two values (the type of which can be selected in the node interface) based on the value from the Boolean parameter Selector.
    • Select By Integer - a node that selects one of many values (type and number of which can be specified in the node interface) based on the Integer value of the Index parameter. You can also select a default value (if the value in the Index parameter does not meet any condition).
    • Select By String - a node that selects one of many values (type and number of which can be specified in the node interface) based on the String value of the Index parameter. You can also select a default value (if the value in the Index parameter does not meet any condition).
  • Added 2 nodes to control the execution flow:
    • Switch by Integer - a node that selects a particular execution sequence (the number of which (along with the conditions) can be specified in the node interface) based on an Integer value of the Index parameter. If the Index value does not meet any of the sequence conditions, the Default sequence will be executed.
    • Switch by String - a node that selects a particular execution sequence (the number of which (along with the conditions) can be specified in the node interface) based on the String value of the Index parameter. If the Index value does not meet any of the sequence conditions, the Default sequence will be executed.
  • Added 2 nodes to read/write values to parameters/variables:
    • Get Value is a universal node that replaced a series of Get [Type] Value nodes used to get the values of parameters/variables of any type.
    • Set Variable - a universal node that replaced a series of Set [Type] Variable nodes used to set the value of variables of any type.
  • The ability to specify a variable number of parameters has been added to the Add Decimals, Add Integer, Divide Decimals, Divide Integers, Max Decimal, Max Integer, Min Decimal, Min Integer, Modulo Decimal, Modulo Integer, Multiply Decimals, Multiply Integers, Subtract Decimals, Subtract Integers, Strings Concatenation nodes.
Posted : 31/05/2024 2:16 pm