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A major update that brought many key features to the plugin. Here are the main ones.
- Added the ability to create custom nodes within actions for convenient grouping of nodes and their reuse within the same action.
- Added the ability to create library nodes that are stored in separate files (node libraries) and accessed globally from any action. Also, changing such a library node will change its execution (according to the changes made) in all actions where it is used.
- Added The Libraries Window, which allows you to manage the list of libraries: add new ones, delete existing ones, and import and export them. In this window, you can also manage library nodes within libraries: add new ones, delete them, change their order, and move or copy them to other libraries.
- Added The Output Window, in which you can output messages using a special node to facilitate debugging actions.
- Added a command for exporting an action into the file, where you can select the format (binary or text), and, if you use library nodes in the action, you can integrate them inside the action so that you can use the action on computers where the corresponding libraries with the used library nodes are not installed.
- Added the ability to launch ActionNodes actions from a script (only if the plugin works in modal mode).
- Added the ability to add nodes to favorites, which are always placed at the top of the node list, for quick access to frequently used nodes.
- Added the ability to dock, undock, and even close any panels in the Action Editor window.
- In the Action Editor window, a new Node List panel has been added, from which you can add nodes to the current action by drag-and-drop operation.
- Some command labels/icons in the ActionNodes main window interface have been changed.
- In the Actions Editor window, the current state of the list of context menu nodes and the current search query are saved between openings of the context menu.
- Added the ability to add existing action files to the plugin by moving these action files from the file manager to the action list area of the plugin.
- Added a new binary action file format (with the ".anc" extension).
- A Write To Output node has been added to output a message to the Output Window.
- Added 6 new nodes to work with the clipboard:
- Clipboard Has File List - returns a boolean value: whether the current clipboard contains a list of files.
- Get Clipboard File List Count - returns the number of files in the clipboard.
- Get Clipboard File Name - returns the full name of the file on the clipboard at the specified index.
- Clipboard Has Image - returns a boolean value: whether the current clipboard contains an image.
- Get Clipboard Image Width - returns the width of the image on the clipboard.
- Get Clipboard Image Height - returns the height of the image on the clipboard.
- Added the File Name Mask Match node, which checks the specified file name for matching the file name mask.
- For the Get File Info node, the ability to return the file name including the extension (without the path) has been added.
The Loop Clipboard File List node has been added to iterate over the list of all files in the clipboard.
Posted : 17/12/2023 6:46 pm