ActionNodes 1.4.0 R...
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[Sticky] ActionNodes 1.4.0 Released

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  • Added 52 new nodes.
  • Improved interface of the dialog box for setting a keyboard shortcut for an action.
  • Minor cosmetic fixes to the display and editing of the name on action icons in the plugin's main window.
  • Minor fixes to the interface of the plugin's main window and node editor.
  • Branch node: fixes in the output port.
  • Create Document node: added Name and Artboards parameters corresponding to the controls in the Photoshop document creation dialog box.
  • Duplicate Layer By [Index/ID/Name] nodes: added options for duplicating a layer to other documents.
  • Get Document Info By [Index/ID/Name] nodes: fixed incorrect document width and height values if the document DPI is not equal to 72.
  • Added 3 nodes to select a document:
    • Select Document By [ID/Name/Offset] - Selects a tab of an open document by ID, name, or offset. The offset can be set to the right (positive value) or left (negative value) relative to the current document index.
  • Added Combine Shapes node - a set of commands from the Layer > Combine Shapes submenu of Photoshop
  • Added a group of 18 nodes to work with Content Layers (created using the Layer > New Fill Layer command):
    • Set Solid Color Fill Layer By [Index/ID/Name] - Sets the color for the Solid Color Fill layer specified by index, id, or name.
    • Set Gradient Fill Layer By [Index/ID/Name] - Sets the gradient itself and other options for Gradient Fill layer specified by index, id, or name.
    • Set Pattern Fill Layer By [Index/ID/Name] - Set the pattern name and other options for Pattern Fill layer specified by index, id, or name.
    • Get Solid Color Fill Layer By [Index/ID/Name] - Returns the color of the Solid Color Fill layer specified by index, id, or name.
    • Get Gradient Fill Layer By [Index/ID/Name] - Returns the gradient and other options of the Gradient Fill layer specified by index, id, or name.
    • Get Pattern Fill Layer By [Index/ID/Name] - Returns the pattern and other options of the Pattern Fill layer specified by index, id, or name.
  • Added a group of 28 nodes to work with slices:
    • Get Slices Count - Returns the current number of slides in the document.
    • Get Slice ID By Index - Returns the slice id by its index.
    • Get Slice Index By ID - Returns the slice index by its id.
    • Get Slice Bounds By [Index/ID] - Returns the slice bounds by its index or id.
    • Get Slice Info By [Index/ID] - Returns the slice info (like its type, different textual info, etc) by its index or id.
    • Is Auto Slice By [Index/ID] - Checks if the slice specified by index or id is an auto-slice.
    • Is Layer Slice By [Index/ID] - Checks if the slice specified by index or id is a layer-based slice.
    • Is User Slice By [Index/ID] - Checks if the slice specified by index or id is a user slice.
    • New Layer Based Slice By [Index/ID/Name] - Layer > New Layer Base Slice the Photoshop menu command.
    • Add Slice - Adds a new slide by specifying its coordinates and dimensions.
    • Select Slice - Selects a slice at the specified canvas coordinates.
    • Set Current Slice Bounds - Sets the position and size of the currently selected slice.
    • Set Current Slice Info - Sets different information (such as slice type, different text information, etc.) for the currently selected slice.
    • Change Slice Order - Changes the order of the currently selected slices by moving them to the front or to the back.
    • Divide Slice - Command to cut the currently selected sliсe into the appropriate number of parts.
    • Promote Slice - Turns the currently selected auto-slice or layer-based slice into a user slice.
    • Align Slices - Changes the horizontal and vertical alignment of the currently selected slices.
    • Distribute Slices - Sets the horizontal and vertical distribution for the currently selected slices.
    • Combine Slices - Combines multiple selected slices into a single slice.
    • Delete Slice - Deletes the currently selected slices.
    • Clear Slices - Deletes all slices.
  • Added a group of 2 nodes to iterate over layers:
    • Loop Layes - A cyclic node that iterates through layers, the list of which is based on the corresponding node parameters.
    • Loop Group Layers - A cyclic node that iterates through the layers of the specified group and the corresponding node parameters.
Posted : 26/03/2023 11:16 pm