ActionNodes 1.3.0 R...
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[Sticky] ActionNodes 1.3.0 Released

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  • Added 257 new nodes.
  • Added new Action type (Photoshop Action selector).
  • Added new Font type (Font List selector).
  • Fixed work of Completed output of WhileLoop node.
  • Fixed UI displaying for some nodes.
  • Added a group of 8 nodes to work with layers:
    • Mask All Objects - Layer > Mask All Objects the Photoshop menu command.
    • Lock Layers - Layer > Lock Layers… the Photoshop menu command.
    • Link Layers - Layer > Link Layers the Photoshop menu command.
    • Unlink Layers - Layer > Unlink Layers the Photoshop menu command.
    • Select Linked Layers - Layer > Select Linked Layers the Photoshop menu command.
    • Merge Layers - Layer > Merge Down/Merge Layers the Photoshop menu command.
    • Merge Visible - Layer > Merge Visible the Photoshop menu command.
    • Flatten Image - Layer > Flatten Image the Photoshop menu command.
  • Added node to combine shapes:
    • Combine Shapes - Layer > Combine Shapes the Photoshop submenu commands.
  • Added a group of 18 nodes to work with Fill Layers:
    • Set Solid Color Fill Layer By [Index/ID/Name] - Modifies Solid Color Fill layer specified by index, id, or name.
    • Set Gradient Fill Layer By [Index/ID/Name] - Modifies Gradient Fill layer specified by index, id, or name.
    • Set Pattern Fill Layer By [Index/ID/Name] - Modifies Pattern Fill layer specified by index, id, or name.
    • Get Solid Color Fill Layer By [Index/ID/Name] - Returns options of Solid Color Fill layer specified by index, id, or name.
    • Get Gradient Fill Layer By [Index/ID/Name] - Returns options of Gradient Fill layer specified by index, id, or name.
    • Get Pattern Fill Layer By [Index/ID/Name] - Returns options of Pattern Fill layer specified by index, id, or name.
  • Added a group of 4 nodes for matting:
    • Color Decontaminate - Layer > Matting > Color Decontaminate… the Photoshop menu command.
    • Defringe - Layer > Matting > Defringe… the Photoshop menu command.
    • Remove Black Matte - Layer > Matting > Remove Black Matte Photoshop menu command.
    • Remove White Matte - Layer > Matting > Remove White Matte Photoshop menu command.
  • Added a group of 6 nodes to work with selection:
    • Has Selection By Document [Index/ID/Name] - Returns true or false depending on whether the specified document has a selection or not.
    • Get Selection Bounds By Document [Index/ID/Name] - Returns selection bounds of the specified document.
  • Added a node to choose a string:
    • Select String - Returns one of two input strings (A or B) depending on the value of the Pick A boolean parameter.
  • Added a group of 8 nodes from the Edit menu of Photoshop:
    • Cut - Edit > Cut the Photoshop menu command.
    • Copy - Edit > Copy the Photoshop menu command.
    • Copy Merged - Edit > Copy Merged the Photoshop menu command.
    • Paste - Edit > Paste the Photoshop menu command.
    • Paste in Place - Edit > Paste Special > Paste in Place the Photoshop menu command.
    • Paste Into - Edit > Paste Special > Paste Into the Photoshop menu command.
    • Paste Outside - Edit > Paste Special > Paste Outside the Photoshop menu command.
    • Clear - Edit > Clear the Photoshop menu command.
  • Added 4 search nodes to search files and folders on the drive:
    • Start Search - Starts the search process. You can tune the search process (like the file name's mask or path where to search) by specifying different node parameters. Node returns the search object which uses in other nodes to continue the search or to get the current search result.
    • Search Next - Continue the search process and go to the next search result.
    • Is Search Over - Checks if the search specified by the search object is over and returns the result (true or false).
    • Search File Info - Returns the info of the current search result (file’s or folder’s name, file’s size, etc).
  • Added 3 file operations nodes:
    • File Delete - Removes specified file (to the trash bin or permanently).
    • File Copy - Copies the specified file to the specified location with the possibility of overwriting the destination file (if it already exists).
    • File Rename - Renames the specified file.
  • Added file name operation node:
    • Get Unique File Name - Returns a unique file name for a specified path and extension.
  • Added node to set variable value:
    • Set Action Variable - The node to set the value for the Action type variable.
  • Added node to get value:
    • Get Action Value - The node to get the value of a variable or parameter of the Action type.
  • Added 2 nodes for work with Photoshop actions:
    • Make Action Selector - The node returns the Photoshop action (Action type) selected using the specified node parameters (action set name and/or index, and the name and/or index of the action in the specified action set).
    • Get Action Selector Info - Returns the parameters of an Action variable such as the index and name of the action set and the index and name of the action.
  • Added a group of 101 nodes to work with video in Photoshop:
    • New Video Layer From File - Layer > Video Layers > New Video Layer from File… Photoshop menu command.
    • New Blank Video Layer - Layer > Video Layers > New Blank Video Layer Photoshop menu command.
    • Insert Video Layer Blank Frame - Layer > Video Layers > Insert Blank Frame Photoshop menu command.
    • Duplicate Video Layer Frame - Layer > Video Layers > Duplicate Frame Photoshop menu command.
    • Delete Video Layer Frame - Layer > Video Layers > Delete Frame Photoshop menu command.
    • Replace Footage - Layer > Video Layers > Replace Footage… Photoshop menu command.
    • Interpret Footage - Layer > Video Layers > Interpret Footage… Photoshop menu command.
    • Show/Hide Altered Video - Layer > Video Layers > Show/Hide Altered Video Photoshop menu command.
    • Restore Frame - Layer > Video Layers > Restore Frame Photoshop menu command.
    • Restore All Frames - Layer > Video Layers > Restore All Frames Photoshop menu command.
    • Reload Frame - Layer > Video Layers > Reload Frame Photoshop menu command.
    • Create Video Timeline - Create Video Timeline button on the empty Photoshop Timeline panel.
    • Get Timeline Current Time - Returns the time (split by hours, minutes, seconds, and frames) where the Playhead on the timeline is currently located.
    • Get Timeline Duration - Returns the whole timeline duration (split by hours, minutes, seconds, and frames).
    • Get Timeline Current Frame - Returns current frame, where the Playhead on the timeline is currently located.
    • Get Timeline Frames Count - Returns the whole timeline duration in frames.
    • Get Timeline Is Enabled - Returns true if timeline mode is currently enabled.
    • Get Timeline Has Motion - Returns true if there is any animation present.
    • Get Timeline Workarea Start - Returns the start time of the work area (split by hours, minutes, seconds, and frames).
    • Get Timeline Workarea End - Returns the end time of the work area (split by hours, minutes, seconds, and frames).
    • Get Timeline Frame Rate - Returns currently specified framerate of video.
    • Timeline Go To Time - Go To > Time… menu command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Video Timeline mode).
    • Timeline Next Frame - Go To > Next Frame menu command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Video Timeline mode).
    • Timeline Previous Frame - Go To > Previous Frame menu command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Video Timeline mode).
    • Timeline First Frame - Go To > First Frame menu command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Video Timeline mode).
    • Timeline Last Frame - Go To > Last Frame menu command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Video Timeline mode).
    • Go To Start of Work Area - Go To > Start of Work Area menu command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Video Timeline mode).
    • Go To End of Work Area - Go To > End of Work Area menu command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Video Timeline mode).
    • Next Keyframe - Moves the Playhead to the next keyframe on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Video Timeline mode).
    • Previous Keyframe - Moves the Playhead to the previous keyframe on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Video Timeline mode).
    • Split At Playhead - Split At Playhead menu command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Video Timeline mode).
    • Move Start to Playhead - Move & Trim > Move Start to Playhead menu command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Video Timeline mode).
    • Move End to Playhead - Move & Trim > Move End to Playhead menu command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Video Timeline mode).
    • Trim Start to Playhead - Move & Trim > Trim Start to Playhead menu command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Video Timeline mode).
    • Trim End to Playhead - Move & Trim > Trim End to Playhead menu command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Video Timeline mode).
    • Make Frames from Clips - Convert Frames > Make Frames from Clips menu command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Video Timeline mode).
    • Flatten Frames into Clips - Convert Frames > Flatten Frames into Clips menu command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Video Timeline mode).
    • Convert to Frame Animation - Convert Frames > Convert to Frame Animation menu command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Video Timeline mode).
    • Set Work Area Start at Playhead - Work Area > Set Start at Playhead menu command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Video Timeline mode).
    • Set Work Area End at Playhead - Work Area > Set End at Playhead menu command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Video Timeline mode).
    • Extract Work Area - Work Area > Extract Work Area menu command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Video Timeline mode).
    • Lift Work Area - Work Area > Lift Work Area menu command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Video Timeline mode).
    • Delete Timeline - Delete Timeline menu command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Video Timeline mode).
    • Delete Keyframes - Keyframes > Delete menu command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Video Timeline mode).
    • Copy Keyframes - Keyframes > Copy menu command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Video Timeline mode).
    • Paste Keyframes - Keyframes > Paste menu command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Video Timeline mode).
    • Select All Keyframes - Keyframes > Select All command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Video Timeline mode).
    • Deselect All Keyframes - Keyframes > Deselect All command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Video Timeline mode).
    • Set Linear Interpolation - Keyframes > Linear Interpolation command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Video Timeline mode).
    • Set Hold Interpolation - Keyframes > Hold Interpolation command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Video Timeline mode).
    • Edit Timeline Comment - Comments > Edit Timeline Comment… command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Video Timeline mode).
    • Export Comments As Html - Comments > Export As Html… command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Video Timeline mode).
    • Export Comments As Text - Comments > Export As Text… command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Video Timeline mode).
    • Show All Clips - Show > All Clips command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Video Timeline mode).
    • Show Favorite Clips Only - Show > Favorite Clips Only command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Video Timeline mode).
    • Set Favorite Clips - Show > Set Favorite Clips command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Video Timeline mode).
    • Enable Timeline Shortcut Keys - Enable Timeline Shortcut Keys command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Video Timeline mode).
    • Enable Onion Skins - Enable Onion Skins command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Video Timeline mode).
    • Enable 3D Tracks - Enable 3D Tracks command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Video Timeline mode).
    • Set Timeline Frame Rate - Set Timeline Frame Rate… command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Video Timeline mode).
    • Enable Keyframe Animation - Enables or disables (depending on the input parameter) the keyframe animation for the specified track. It is equivalent to clicking on the stopwatch icon to the left of the corresponding track.
    • Add Media - Adds media to the currently selected track (video layer). It is equivalent to clicking on the plus icon to the right of the video track.
    • New Video Group - New Video Group command of the video track context menu on the Photoshop Timeline panel.
    • New Video Group from Clips - New Video Group from Clips command of the video track context menu on the Photoshop Timeline panel.
    • Add Transition - Applies a transition effect to the currently selected layer. It is equivalent to selecting an appropriate transition from the list on the tool buttons panel of the Timeline panel and dragging it onto the needed position.
    • Add Audio - Adds audio to the audio track. It is equivalent to clicking on the plus icon to the right of the audio track.
    • Duplicate Audio Clip - Duplicate Audio Clip command of the audio track context menu on the Photoshop Timeline panel.
    • Delete Audio Clips - Delete Audio Clips command of the audio track context menu on the Photoshop Timeline panel.
    • Set Audio Clip Properties - Sets properties (like volume, fade in, fade out, or muting) for the currently selected audio clip.
    • Timeline Make Motion - Photoshop context menu command for video track to set motion effect for the selected layer.
    • Create Frame Animation - Create Frame Animation button on the empty Photoshop Timeline panel.
    • New Frame - New Frame menu command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Frame Animation mode).
    • Delete Frame - Delete Frame menu command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Frame Animation mode).
    • Delete Animation - Delete Animation menu command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Frame Animation mode).
    • Copy Frame - Copy Frame menu command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Frame Animation mode).
    • Paste Frame - Paste Frame… menu command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Frame Animation mode).
    • Select All Frames - Select All Frames menu command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Frame Animation mode).
    • Animation Go To Frame - Moves to the frame specified by the index.
    • Animation Next Frame - Go To > Next Frame menu command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Frame Animation mode).
    • Animation Previous Frame - Go To > Previous Frame menu command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Frame Animation mode).
    • Animation First Frame - Go To > First Frame menu command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Frame Animation mode).
    • Animation Last Frame - Go To > Last Frame menu command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Frame Animation mode).
    • Tween - Tween… menu command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Frame Animation mode).
    • Reverse Frames - Reverse Frames menu command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Frame Animation mode).
    • Make Frames From Layers - Make Frames From Layers menu command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Frame Animation mode).
    • Flatten Frames Into Layers - Flatten Frames Into Layers… menu command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Frame Animation mode).
    • Match Layer Across Frames - Match Layer Across Frames… menu command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Frame Animation mode).
    • Create New Layer for Each New Frame - Create New Layer for Each New Frame menu command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Frame Animation mode).
    • New Layers Visible in All Frames - New Layers Visible in All Frames menu command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Frame Animation mode).
    • Convert To Video Timeline - Convert To Video Timeline menu command on the Photoshop Timeline panel (in Frame Animation mode).
    • Set Animation Loop Count - Sets the number of animation repetitions.
    • Set Animation Frame Replace Type - Sets frame replace type for the currently selected frame.
    • Set Animation Frame Delay - Sets delay time for the currently selected frame.
    • Move Frame - Moves selected frame to specified frame position.
    • Select Frames - Selects frames.
    • Get Animation Current Frame - Returns index of the current frame.
    • Get Animation Frames Count - Returns total frames count.
    • Get Is Animation Enabled - Returns true if frame animation is enabled.
    • Get Animation Loop Count - Returns count of animation repetitions.
    • Get Animation Frame Delay - Returns frame delay for the current frame.
    • Get Animation Frame Replace Type - Returns frame replace type for the current frame.
  • Added 1 math node:
    • Easing - Interpolates value t from 0..1 range to user-specified range using the specified easing function.
  • Added 1 node to manipulate layer position:
    • Shift Layer Position - Shifts layer position vertically and horizontally by the specified amount of pixels.
  • Added a group of 21 nodes to work with Smart Filters:
    • Set Smart Filters Enabled By [Index/ID/Name] - Layer > Smart Filter > Disable/Enable Smart Filters the Photoshop menu command for layer specified by index, id, or name.
    • Delete Filter Mask By [Index/ID/Name] - Layer > Smart Filter > Delete Filter Mask the Photoshop menu command for layer specified by index, id, or name.
    • Set Filter Mask Enabled By [Index/ID/Name] - Layer > Smart Filter > Disable/Enable Filter Mask the Photoshop menu command for layer specified by index, id, or name.
    • Clear Smart Filters By [Index/ID/Name] - Layer > Smart Filter > Clear Smart Filters the Photoshop menu command for layer specified by index, id, or name.
    • Get Smart Filters Enabled By [Index/ID/Name] - Returns the smart filter status (enabled or disabled) for the layer specified by index, id, or name.
    • Has Filter Mask By [Index/ID/Name] - Returns smart filter mask availability status for layer specified by index, id, or name.
    • Get Filter Mask Enabled By [Index/ID/Name] - Returns the smart filter mask status (enabled or disabled) for the layer specified by index, id, or name.
  • Added a group of 71 nodes to work with layer styles:
    • Copy Layer Style - Layer > Layer Style > Copy Layer Style the Photoshop menu command.
    • Paste Layer Style - Layer > Layer Style > Paste Layer Style the Photoshop menu command.
    • Clear Layer Style - Layer > Layer Style > Clear Layer Style the Photoshop menu command.
    • Set Global Light - Layer > Layer Style > Global Light… the Photoshop menu command.
    • Create Layers From Styles - Layer > Layer Style > Create Layer the Photoshop menu command.
    • Toggle All Effects - Layer > Layer Style > Show/Hide All Effects the Photoshop menu command.
    • Scale Effects - Layer > Layer Style > Scale Effects… the Photoshop menu command.
    • Toggle All Layer Effects - Enables/Disables all effects (Effects option under layer) for the selected layer.
    • Set Layer Effect Enabled By [Index/ID/Name] - Sets enabled status for the specified effect of the layer specified by index, id, or name.
    • Get Layer Effect Enabled By [Index/ID/Name] - Returns enabled status for the specified effect of the layer specified by index, id, or name.
    • Get Layer Effects Count By [Index/ID/Name] - Returns effects count for the specified effect of the layer specified by index, id, or name.
    • Get Layer Effect Present By [Index/ID/Name] - Returns the status of the effect presenting (if it is visible on the Layer panel) for the specified effect of the layer specified by index, id, or name.
    • Get Bevel Effect Options By [Index/ID/Name] - Returns options for the Bevel effect for the layer specified by index, id, or name.
    • Get Bevel Contour Effect Options By [Index/ID/Name] - Returns options for Bevel > Contour effect for the layer specified by index, id, or name.
    • Get Bevel Texture Effect Options By [Index/ID/Name] - Returns options for Bevel > Texture effect for the layer specified by index, id, or name.
    • Get Stroke Effect Options By [Index/ID/Name] - Returns options for the Stroke effect for the layer specified by index, id, or name.
    • Get Inner Shadow Effect Options By [Index/ID/Name] - Returns options for Inner Shadow effect for the layer specified by index, id, or name.
    • Get Inner Glow Effect Options By [Index/ID/Name] - Returns options for the Inner Glow effect for the layer specified by index, id, or name.
    • Get Satin Effect Options By [Index/ID/Name] - Returns options for the Satin effect for the layer specified by index, id, or name.
    • Get Color Overlay Effect Options By [Index/ID/Name] - Returns options for the Color Overlay effect for the layer specified by index, id, or name.
    • Get Gradient Gradient Effect Options By [Index/ID/Name] - Returns options for Gradient Overlay effect for the layer specified by index, id, or name.
    • Get Pattern Overlay Effect Options By [Index/ID/Name] - Returns options for the Pattern Overlay effect for the layer specified by index, id, or name.
    • Get Outer Glow Effect Options By [Index/ID/Name] - Returns options for the Outer Glow effect for the layer specified by index, id, or name.
    • Get Drop Shadow Effect Options By [Index/ID/Name] - Returns options for the Drop Shadow effect for the layer specified by index, id, or name.
    • Set Advanced Blending Options By [Index/ID/Name] - Sets Advanced Blending options (except channels blending options) for the layer specified by index, id, or name.
    • Get Advanced Blending Options By [Index/ID/Name] - Returns Advanced Blending options (except channels blending options) for the layer specified by index, id, or name.
    • Set Layer Blend Channels By [Index/ID/Name] - Sets Channels blending options of advanced blending options for the layer specified by index, id, or name.
    • Get Layer Blend Channels By [Index/ID/Name] - Returns Channels blending options of advanced blending options for the layer specified by index, id, or name.
    • Set Layer Blend If Options By [Index/ID/Name] - Sets "Blend If" options for blending options of the layer specified by index, id, or name.
  • Added a group of 6 nodes to work with the pattern and contour presents list:
    • Get Contour Name - Returns the contour preset name by specified index in the contours list.
    • Get Contour Index - Finds and returns the index of the contour preset in the contours list by its name.
    • Get Contours Count - Returns count of contour presets in the contours list.
    • Get Pattern Name - Returns the pattern preset name by specified index in the patterns list.
    • Get Pattern Index - Finds and returns the index of the pattern preset in the patterns list by its name.
    • Get Patterns Count - Returns count of pattern presets in the patterns list.
Posted : 23/02/2023 4:07 pm