ActionNodes 1.1.0 R...
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[Sticky] ActionNodes 1.1.0 Released

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  • Added 71 new nodes. Now the total number of nodes is more than 500!
  • Added new parameters type File Name and Path. Now it is much easier to set paths to files and folders using the corresponding dialog boxes.
  • Added Save To GIF node.
  • Added a group of 9 nodes to work with file name info:
    • Get File Info - extracts file path, name, and extension from the specified full file name.
    • Create Path - creates a path along with all necessary subfolders. If the specified path exists, then do nothing.
    • Path Exists - checks if the specified path exists and returns the result in the boolean Result output parameter.
    • File Exists - checks whether a file with the specified full name exists and returns the result in the boolean Result output parameter.
    • Replace File Name - replaces the base name (without extension) in the specified full file name with a new name.
    • Replace File Extension - replaces the extension (without a period) in the specified full file name with a new extension.
    • Remove Last Folders From Path - deletes the specified number of last folders from the specified path.
    • Get Folder From Path - returns the folder with the corresponding index from the specified path. 0 — the first folder, 1 — the second folder, etc. If the index is less than 0, then the index goes from the end in the opposite direction: -1 — the last folder, -2 — the penultimate folder, etc.
    • Get Folders Count In Path - returns the number of folders in the specified path.
  • Added 13 new nodes to work with layers:
    • New Layer From Image - creates a new layer from the specified image file.
    • Arrange Selected Layers - Layer > Arrange Photoshop menu command.
    • Align Selected Layers - Layer > Align Photoshop menu command.
    • Distribute Selected Layers - Layer > Distribute Photoshop menu command.
    • Create Clipping Mask By [Index/ID/Name] - Layer > Create Clipping Mask Photoshop menu command for the layer specified by index, id, or name.
    • Is Layer Clipping Mask By [Index/ID/Name] - checks if the layer specified by index, id, or name is a clipping mask.
    • Get Layer Bounds By [Index/ID/Name] - returns the boundaries (Left, Top, Right, and Bottom) of the specified layer in pixels in the output decimal parameters, as well as its width and height.
  • Added 22 nodes to work with smart objects:
    • Get Smart Object Sizes By [Index/ID/Name] - returns the original width, height, and resolution of the specified Smart Object.
    • Is Layer Linked Smart Object By [Index/ID/Name] - checks if the specified layer is a Linked Smart Object.
    • Get Linked Smart Object Info By [Index/ID/Name] - returns information of the specified Linked Smart Object about the link path and whether the link is missing or has changed.
    • Convert to Smart Object - Layer > Smart Objects > Convert to Smart Object Photoshop menu command.
    • New Smart Object via Copy - Layer > Smart Objects > New Smart Object via Copy Photoshop menu command.
    • Smart Object Update All Modified Content - Layer > Smart Objects > Update All Modified Content Photoshop menu command.
    • Smart Object Edit Contents - Layer > Smart Objects > Edit Contents Photoshop menu command.
    • Smart Object Reset Transform - Layer > Smart Objects > Reset Transform Photoshop menu command.
    • Smart Object Relink To File - Layer > Smart Objects > Relink to File... Photoshop menu command.
    • Smart Object Replace Contents - Layer > Smart Objects > Replace Contents... Photoshop menu command.
    • Smart Object Export Contents - Layer > Smart Objects > Export Contents... Photoshop menu command.
    • Smart Object Embed Linked - Layer > Smart Objects > Embed Linked Photoshop menu command.
    • Smart Object Embed All Linked - Layer > Smart Objects > Embed All Linked Photoshop menu command.
    • Smart Object Convert To Linked - Layer > Smart Objects > Convert To Linked... Photoshop menu command.
    • Smart Object Convert To Layers - Layer > Smart Objects > Convert To Layers Photoshop menu command.
    • Smart Object Set Stack Mode - Layer > Smart Objects > Stack Mode Photoshop menu command.
  • Added 4 rasterization nodes:
    • Rasterize Layer By [Index/ID/Name] - rasterize the layer of the given type specified by index, id, or name.
    • Rasterize All Layers - rasterizes all layers.
  • Added 23 nodes to work with the History panel:
    • Get History States Count - returns the number of history states (including snapshots).
    • Get Snapshots Count - returns the number of snapshots on the History panel.
    • Get History State Name By [Index/ID] - returns the name of the history state specified by index or id.
    • Get History State ID By [Index/Name] - returns the id of the history state specified by index or name.
    • Get History State Index By [ID/Name] - returns the index of the history state specified by id or name.
    • Get History State Info By [Index/ID/Name] - returns some information about the given history state such as whether the specified state is a snapshot, whether it is the source for a history brush, and whether it is current.
    • Undo - cancels current changes by moving up in the history states list (does not work in demo mode).
    • Redo - redoes undone changes by moving down in the history states list (does not work in demo mode).
    • Select History State By [Index/ID/Name] - makes the specified history state current (does not work in demo mode).
    • New Snapshot - creates a new snapshot from the current state (does not work in demo mode).
    • Delete Current History State - removes current history state (does not work in demo mode).
    • Clear History - removes all history states except current (does not work in demo mode).
    • New Document From Current State - creates a new document from the current state (does not work in demo mode).
    • Set History Brush Source By [Index/ID/Name] - sets the specified history state as a source for the history brush (does not work in demo mode).
  • Transform Current Layer node: added new parameter Center Position to specify anchor position for transformation.
  • Fixed "endless execution" issue in demo mode for nodes that are locked in demo mode.
  • Some small UI fixes.
Posted : 29/09/2022 12:19 am